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- Archery Questions
All questions regarding your shopping experience on the store and the payment process.
When will my order package be delivered?
If your order package is shipped from a local warehouse, the typical express delivery time is 3-6 days. If your express package is shipped from a warehouse in China, the shipping time for express delivery is around 5-10 days.
What is the status of my order?
Click on the "TRACK YOUR ORDER"and enter your order information to find the logistics information of the order package. If you have any questions, you can contact customer service.
What do I need to do if I have a warranty issue with my bow?
If the product you purchased needs to be returned, exchanged, or repaired, you can directly contact customer service. Tell customer service your order number and recipient information. Customer service will help you solve the problem.
Can I customize my own products?
Our company supports customization. If you have any customization needs, you can contact customer service.
What currency is the price displayed on the website?
The price displayed on the website is in US dollars
All questions regarding your products.
Choose the right hand riser or the left hand riser?
If your right eye is the dominant eye and you are accustomed to using your right hand, then you should choose a right-handed bow, with your left hand holding the bow and your right hand drawing the bowstring.On the contrary, you choose the left hand riser.
If your draw length is 30" or more
Adapting bow size to your drawlength
Bow size is linked to your AMO draw length*. 66" to 70" bows for archers having a draw length in the range 27" to 29".
If your draw length is 30", 31" or more, a 72" or a 74" bow will give you better results.
Limb size choice
72": draw length of 31" AMO (American Manufacturer Organisation) and more
70": draw length of 29" and 30" AMO
68": draw length of 28" AMO
66": draw length of 27" AMO and less
(the draw length AMO is the distance in inches between the nock and the Pressure button + 1,75")
If you do not find the answer to your question in our FAQ, you can send us a message by filling out the form.